Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes in your files and folders. It is a tool that allows you to save the changes you make to your files and folders, and to return to a previous version if necessary.
To configure git in order to set a user name and a email associate to the changes will be
commited use git config --global "{write your name here}"
Use git config --global "{write the email address of your github account}"
When starting a project use git init
to initialize a local repository. You have to be in the
folder where you want to create the local repository.
If you want to check what just happened after git init
you can use ls -al
to see
all files (including the hidden ones). This command will list the files in your current directory. If you
have already initialized a local repository with git init
in your current directory by running
the ls -al
command you should see a .git/ directory in the list.
When running git init
the staging area is created in your
computer's RAM. There, all changes will be prepared for submission to the local repository, in this area the
files start to being tracked. The local repository where the project files will be stored is also created.
When working with local repositories there are three phases in the development environment:
git add {fileName.extension}
If you have
recently created several files and you want to send all of them to staging area use
git add .
. Since "." make reference to your current directory it is like send all the files
to the staging area phase where file tracking begins.
git commit -m "{message}"
git merge
and then git fetch
sending the changes to te remote repository; That would be the process in two stages. You can update
your local branch in only one stage by using git pull origin {branchName}
. If there
is nothing to change in your branch, you can push the changes to the remote repository by running
git push -u origin {branchName}
To create a remote repository you have to go to GitHub and create a new repository. You can create a new repository by clicking on the + icon in the top right corner of the page and then clicking on New repository. You can also create a new repository by clicking on the Repositories tab in the top menu and then clicking on the New button.
Once created the remote repository you can clone the files into your computer system by
runninggit clone url
to clone a repository in your local machine.
You can check the git phase by using git status
If you added some path by mistake, you can remove it using git rm --cached
If it does not work, use git rm -f --cached {file_name.extension}
To send the files or updated changes use git commit -m "{message}"
To see the history of an archive use git log file_name.extension
To see the changes in a file use git show fileName.extension
to see differences between versions use git diff IDcommit1 IDcommit2
To start writing press Esc + i To go out of vim press at once Esc + Shift + z + z
git log --stat
to see specific changes.
checkout commitID
is used to created branches or go back to a previous version conserving
commits.the commit ID makes reference to the ID commit where you want to go back.
git reset
not only goes back in the changes but also deletes all the subsequent commits. it will
deleted all te changes done after commitID (including commits)
git reset commitID
. git reset commitID --soft
: deletes changes until
staging area.
git reset commitID --mixed
: deleted changes until working area (untracked area).
git reset commitID --hard
:go back until commitID information.
git reset head
: takes out the files of staging area. We can use git add .
to sent back
the files to the staging area.
git rm --cached
: deletes files from our staging area and conserves them in the hard disc.
git rm --force
: deletes completely the file. It is possible go towards the existing files register.
master or main is your principal branch.
merge merging changes between branches.
when merging changes between branches it is possible the raise of conflicts.
rm -rf .git
To create a branch use git branch branch_name
To change between branches use git checkout branch_name
When you add changes in a branch is and you want to change of branch you have to adding and commit that changes before change of branch-if not you could miss your changes
It is a good practice to update your local repository before sending changes to remote repository (before
git push
) so you should first run
git pull origin {branchName}
. Once your local repository be updated
you must solve conflicts if exist and after send changes git push
powerful password cracking. ssh protocole
Git show
To see the commits made we use: git log
To see all the commits use: git log --all
git branch
When merging branches you must check that you are than the branch where you want to do the merge and use the
git merge branch1 -m "message"
git remote add origin {url}
git remote
git remote -v
git pull origin branchName
git push origin branchName
git config -l
to generate ssh key visit: Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account
After generating ssh keys set the url asociated to the remote repository
git remote set-url origin {url}
git diff
use git log --all --graph
to see the flow through the branches
to a better visualization use:
git log --all --graph --decorated --online
to assign alias use:
alias {assignedName}="{command}"
to created a label use
git tag -a {label} -m "{message}" {commitIDassociated}
git show-ref --tags
git push origin --tags
git tag
to see labels
git tag -d {labelName}
delete a label in our local repository
to delete a tag in github from git bush, after using git tag -d {labelName}
git push origin :refs/tags/{labelName}
to edit files from the console use vim {file_name}
staging server
feature branch
tow branches in parallel
pull request
fix typo
Entidades HTML: para tÃldes. &{a}acute;
auto request to update a fork or copy the url and in the terminal running
git remote add {Name(upstream)} {url}
git pull {upstream} {master}
rebase: only for local repositories.
git rebase master. It changes the hystory of the branch
It recommendable use it only in local repositories
git branch -D branchName
to eliminate a branch
git stash
saves the changes in somewhere
git stash list
git stash pop
git stash branch branchName
git stash drop
git clean --dry-run
git clean -f
git log --oneline
git cherry-pick commitID
git reflog
All the changes
git reset --HARD commitID
git reset --sauf
git commit --amend
git commit --amend
git grep word
git grep -n word
git grep -c word
git log -S word
git grep -c word
git shortlog
commits per person
git shortlog -sn
commits per person
git shortlog -sn --all
commits per person
git shortlog -sn --all --no-merges
commits per person
git config --global alias.stats "command fragment"
git blame fileName
file history
git blame -c fileName
file history
git blame fileName -startLine,endLine
file history
git branch -r
remote branches
git branch -a
local and remote branches
git command --help